




  1. 促請中國政府立即無條件終止對五位女權行動者的調查及審訊
  2. 停止對婦女NGO及女權捍衛者的滋擾及打壓
  3. 與國內民間團體攜手合作推動性別平權










 Dear friends and organizations from all over the world,

for joining the “Free the Chinese Feminists” Campaign to demand the
China Government for immediate release of the detained five feminists in
March and April.  The urgent global action and your enthusiastic
support had made a powerful international outcry that put pressure on
the China government and finally the release, though incomplete one, of
the five women activists.  A strong global network to safeguard women
activists not only in mainland but all over the world is necessary and
important for women’s activism to flourish in alliance.

Today, we call for your attention to the
recent shutdown of the WeiZhiming Center, a women’s rights organization
linked to two of the five ex-detained Chinese feminists, Wu Rongrong
and Zheng Churan.
 According to Wu Rongrong, police interrogations and unreasonable investigations had left her no choice but to shut down the center which has, since 2014, been actively engaging in advocating feminist issues such as employment equality, sexual harassment prevention and to end violence against women.

We, as individual and concern groups for
women, sexual minorities, gender equality, and workers’ human rights,
need to stay in solidarity to give coalitions from all over the world a
stronger voice.


warn the Chinese authorities against further harassing the women’s
rights defenders, please express your concern by sending letters to the
UN as well as your network to urge them exert pressure on the Chinese
government for the following:
  1. drop all criminal charges against the five feminists and free them immediately and unconditionally;
  2. stop harassing the women activists and the advocacy NGOs including the WeiZhiming;
  3. work collaboratively with all grassroots NGOs to achieve gender equality;

We also would like to urge you and your network to write and alert your
own government on the situation of the 5 feminists. Please ask your
government to raise their concern on the case with the Chinese
government either before OR in the Global Women’s Summit to be co-hosted
by UN and China in September this year.  


do keep us informed of any action and work you and/or your organization
have conducted to support the Chinese feminists for them to continue
their good work in mainland China.  Please share your actions on our
facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/822818634419975/ 


Stay in solidarity.   
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism