

196912日,中共在上海逮捕了一名荷兰籍船员Messrs. Algra,起因是他所在的船舶公司在新年晚会后组织了一场气枪打靶比赛,他们使用的标靶是毛泽东塑像。虽然事件牵涉多人,但唯有Algra被逮捕,因为他把塑像的碎片扔在了港口。另一名船员Revier是在212日被捕,他是一名报务员,被抓的原因是他在船只进上海港时记录下中国军舰的旗语。
313日英国外交部远东司E.J. Shariand致电英国驻华代办处J.D. Laughton,表示不认同将这两人被抓视作中方为报复中荷关系恶化而选择性执法(参加1969.3.13中国驻荷兰临时代办廖和叔叛逃事件及中方反应),但同意今后收集中国海军情报的外国船员应该更加小心谨慎,如果母国与中国关系不好,就不要再做这种事情了。英国人很关心Revier的案例,因为1968年英国籍船员Crouch可能就是以同样的借口而被中方逮捕的,而他迄今下落不明。

Far Eastern Department.
 FEC 21C/4                                                                  
 13 March, 1969
John Boyd has passed to me your letter 3/1 of 25
February on the above subject. The division of labour between us is, I concede,
obscure but since I deal with all the detained British
subjects except Anthony Gre
y, detained foreign nationals also come into my
sphere of influence.
2.  I am most grateful to you for drawing our
attention to the fact that the Dutch seamen had also run into difficulties. I
am not, however, entirely persuaded of the conclusion you drew in your
paragraph 2 – i.e. that the Chinese use the detention of seamen to express
their disapproval of the political actions of the countries of which the men
are nationals. What little we know of the facts behind the detention of Captain
Will and Mr. Crouch suggest that they were indeed in breach of Chinese
regulations before they were detained and the same applies to those ships’
officers previously detained and released. I find it
hard to believe that the Chinese in possession of evidence tha
t an officer of any nationality had either used a bust of Mao
for target practice or noted the pennant numbers of Chinese naval vessels would
not arrest him
, whatever the political relations between China and his
country of origin.
3. That apart, I
entirely agree with you that those charged with the task of briefing marine
Intelligence agents should be extremely careful in their advice to ships’
officers visiting China. I would also suggest that the
strained political relations between China and the Netherlands are likely to
delay the release of the two men involved. You will of course appreciate the difference
between that and political considerations being a reason for their detention,
whatever the excuse
4. I am sending copies
of this letter to the recipients of yours.
(E.J. Shariand)
(to) J.D. Laughton,
Office of the British
Charge d’Affaires,

