7月7日,英国驻柏林军政府的E.H.B. Gibbs向英国外交部西欧司、英国驻西德波恩大使馆、英国驻华代办处报告说:东德官方称这起车祸的原因是中方车辆在试图超车时打滑并撞上迎面而来的卡车,东德外交部长Winzer已致电中共国外交部长表示慰问。事发后的几天里东德方面关闭了通往中共国大使馆的交通,但外国观察家们看到使馆前有小规模的抗议示威。7月5日德方解除交通限制后,BBC的记者看到使馆外面有中方的德文告示,其中几乎把这起车祸描述称谋杀,并抗议德方阻挠调查。Gibbs猜测之前的抗议就是德方安排的以抵消中方的指控。
“1967年我驻原东德(民主德国)使馆发生了一起严重的车祸,车祸发生在从柏林至东德北部港口城市罗斯托克的96号公路上。因为我国一艘万吨远洋货轮停靠在罗斯托克港装货,使馆决定前往看望。当时使馆大使、参赞都已调回外交部参加“运动”,使馆由一名二秘任临时代办,主持已经处于半瘫痪状态 的使馆工作。使馆除了守摊,基本上没有什么外事活动。这时候有一条货船从国内开来,所以大家都想前去看看。经过研究,决定由代办带队共5人前往。
External Department,
British Military Government
B.F.P.0. 45
(1851 S) 7 July, 1967
Deaths of Chinese Diplomats
You will no doubt have seen western press reports of the deaths, apparently in a road accident, of the Charged’affaires ad interim at the Chinese Embassy inEast Berlin, Fu Ti Quang, of an Attache and of two other members of the Embassy, and serious injuries caused to a third secretary. The official East German version is that on 27 June a Chinese Embassy car attempted to overtake a number of vehicles on a country road, skidded and crashed into a lorry coming in the opposite direction. One East German was also injured as a result of the accident. The East German foreign Minister, Winzer, expressed his condolences over the accident in a telegram to the Chinese Foreign Minister.
2. In the days following the accident the approaches to the Chinese Embassy in East Berlin were sealed off by police, but foreign observers were able to see small crowds of demonstrators in front of the Embassy. By 5 July the police cordon was lifted and the BBC correspondent here was able to see notices in German on the outside of the Embassy in which the Chinese complained that the East Germans had prevented an objective investigation of the accident in words almost amounting to an accusation of murder. It may well be that the explanation of the demonstrations outside theEmbassy following the accident is that they were arranged by the East German regime in order to counter this charge.
3. I am sending copies of this letter to Western Department (with additional copies for ‘S’ distribution) and to Chancery in Peking.
(E.H.B. Gibbs)
D.A.S. Gladstone Esq.,
British Embassy,
出处:英国外交部档案 FCO 21/47