



有关媒体停止在未经法院判决的前提下对律师的污名化报道。 ​














Chinese disability advocates call for petition!
Release Wang Yu and other human rights lawyers at once!

Hi, everyone!

Since Black Friday (July 9, 2015), there were at least 261 mainland lawyers and legal assistants being prosecuted, interviewed by the PRC Government or faced with restricted freedom. These statistics were just estimates and there may be more mainland lawyers and legal assistants facing these problems. What is worrying is that among the 15 lawyers and legal assistants who are undergoing restraints, only 1 lawyer is permitted to have legal representation; the remaining 14 of them have no access to freedom at all. Some of them even have been detained for at least 24 days, including the First Case of Disability Employment Discrimination in Beijing represented lawyer Wang Yu(王宇).

Despite the hard work in recent years, the disability advocacy group in mainland China has received positive feedback recently. Several examples include the creation of more job opportunities for the disabled and handicapped, the improvement of public and banking facilities in different places and so on. These policy changes benefit the disabled and handicapped group a lot with the coordination between the legal practitioner and policy makers, thereby promoting social harmony, legal stability, social equality, public respect and rule of law.

Nonetheless, these prosecuted individuals are the greatest contributors to the improvements of the disability policies in mainland China. Without them, we cannot benefit all of the improved facilities. Right now, these prosecuted lawyers are now facing criminal sanctions without cause, we cannot keep silent and so we hope that all of you can join us to support these detained lawyers.

Therefore, we strongly encourage:
Related governmental departments should release all the prosecuted lawyers and its related persons;
Related governmental departments should ensure these lawyers have the right to legal representation and contact with their family members;
Related media and public agencies should stop publishing these resources with reliance on related relevant legal authorities and judgements.

The full text of Petition letter follows

Ministry of Public Security,

We are a group of disability rights advocates from different parts of China and we strive to promote social equality.

We have noticed that, Wang Yu, who was the represented lawyer for the First Case of Disability  Employment Discrimination, was prosecuted by 20 police officers at 4am, on 9 July 2015. This also included the prosecution of her husband Bao Longjun (who planned to leave Beijing) and her sixteen-year-old son Bao Mengmeng. From then on, there were no updates about Wang Yu. On the other hand, her son, Bao Mengmeng, had been called by the police for 4 times and he was in emotional distress. Bao had been warned by the police that he could not involve in his parents’ prosecution affairs, including no right to have legal representation, no return of passports and keys. At present, Wang’s parents were monitored by the police in mainland China.

Up until 29 July 2015, we noticed that at least 261 mainland lawyers and legal practitioners were prosecuted, interviewed or faced with restricted freedom across China; and the statistics are growing. What is more surprising is that, among the 15 lawyers and legal assistants who are undergoing restraints, only 1 lawyer is permitted to have legal representation; the remaining 14 of them have no access to freedom at all. Some of them even have been detained for at least 21 days.

Although we are not from the media and the legal profession, we understand that: firstly, the Criminal Procedural Law in PRC states very clearly that, only courts can convict the accused, but not any other governmental departments or agencies; secondly, the CCTV and government officials have no right to report any information about the prosecution of these lawyers and related parties; thirdly, according to the PRC Constitution, all PRC citizens shall have the freedom of speech and have a right to provide suggestions for administrative decisions made by government officials.

Having received the news from our friends, Wang and its related individuals are now involving in many human rights cases in mainland China, such as cases involving public security and equality and cases promoting rule of law. For example, the case represented by Wang aimed to promote human rights and equality among the disabled and handicapped persons.
Liu Ming, visual impairment, who was from Tianjin, was the party to the First Case of Disability  Employment Discrimination. In August 2012, Liu worked in a reality show in Beijing TV Station as a sound team member of the after-production show. Originally, it was agreed that the monthly wage was RMB$4,500. Later, after the show, he was assigned as a post of visual team member of the after-production show and the monthly wage was RMB$2,500 instead. During the probation period, his employer dismissed Liu because he failed his eye test and the company did not have suitable position for him.
While Liu lost his job, he met his lawyer Wang through referral from his friend. Under the help of lawyer Wang, Liu was able to launch proceedings against his employer in court under Employment Promotion Law and Disability Employment Regulations. However, Liu lost his case. Wang, on behalf of Liu, subsequently appealed on the grounds of inadequate and insufficient evidence, thereby leading the judge erred.

In addition, Wang voiced for the disabled group in several occasions by advocating her idea of “use empathy and fair attitude to encourage those visually impaired being employed in the workplace, so as to promote equal employment opportunities and social harmony”.

Lawyers are the underlying pillar for rule of law and global civil justice. If lawyers are not protected, then citizens will not be protected under law. Therefore, we are aware of the event happened to those lawyers promoting human rights and social equality. We now urge for:
Related governmental departments should release all the prosecuted lawyers and its related persons;
Related governmental departments should ensure these lawyers have the right to legal representation and contact with their family members;
Related media and public agencies should stop publishing these resources with reliance on related relevant legal authorities and judgements.

Disability advocates worldwide
August 2,2015

